It is required for every Muslim to perform five obligatory prayers a day. A Muslim turns toward Makkah (Mecca) when performing these prayers, facing the first house built for the worship of The One God. This house is called the Ka`bah, an empty cube-like structure which is located in what is now Saudi Arabia. It was erected by Abraham and his son Ishmael for the worship of The One and Only True God.
One must remember that Islam does not have any sacred relics or symbols. We are not worshiping the Ka`bah; we simply worship God while facing the Ka`bah. Facing the Ka`bah to pray unifies the worshipers in their prayer to The One God. Anyone who worships the Ka`bah or any other created thing would be considered an idol worshiper. To put it plainly, the building materials that make up this house are no more sacred than any other building materials.
These prayers take place throughout the day and night, and are a constant reminder of a person’s duty and surrender to God. The prayers are a direct link between the worshiper and God. It is a chance to turn to God in worship, to give thanks, to ask for forgiveness, and to ask for His guidance and mercy.
A Muslim may voluntarily perform prayers more often. Prayers, in the general sense of supplication, can be offered practically at any time or place.